See the pay status of your work (Directs)

Learn how to check the status of your payment for work you have completed.

Open the Vendor Finance Portal.

Check the Paid work tab to see if your completed work is listed there.
  • If it is there, it means payment has been issued.
  • If it is not there, go on to step 3.

Check the Unpaid work tab to see if your completed work is listed there.
  • If it is there, skip to step 5.
  • If it is not there, go on to step 4.

Go to the Vendor Portal and check if your work appears in the Work by Date tab.
  • If it is there, then select it and click the Complete work button. This will let your Landsea superintendent know you have completed the work so they can close things on their end and start the payment process. In a few days, return to the Vendor Portal and check to see if the superintendent has closed the work item, explained in step 5.
  • If it is not there, go on to step 5.

In the Vendor Portal, go to the Completed work tab and find your completed work item. Check in the Closed by superintendent column to see if the work item was marked completed by your Landsea superintendent, which you can tell if there is a date listed next to your work item.
  • Based on the date listed and your payment terms (such as 'net 30 days'), you will know when to check the Paid work tab in the Vendor Finance Portal to see if a payment has been issued.
  • If your work item does not show a closed date in the Closed by superintendent column and it has been a few days since you marked your work complete, reach out to your Landsea superintendent and ask them to close it.

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