Quickly find what you are looking for

Searching for your work, work details, or financial details in the vendor portals can be cumbersome if you do not remember exactly what to search for. This job aid covers several ways you can quickly find what you are looking for.

Use Filters

The Filter feature allows you to type in a portion of text you are looking for and use the results to narrow down your options. In the example below, the Filter box is located above the list of upcoming work. You can enter search words that contain information from any of the columns in your workspace (e.g., Lot/Element name, the Simple address, the Start date, etc.).

Coming soon: A video that shows you how to use the Filter feature.


  • The Filter feature is available in many portal workspaces and screens.
  • You can use an asterisk (*) in your search which allows you to replace a string of text. This is often useful if you only know a portion of the information you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a check number that starts with "12", you could enter a search using 12*.
  • You must clear a search after you use it, otherwise the information you searched on will remain on screen. To clear a search, refresh your screen.

Sort the Information in a Column

It is often helpful to sort the information in a column to quickly find what you are looking for. Click the drop-down menu next to a column header. You will see the ability to sort the data in order or reverse order. For example:

  • In a Lot/Element column, you can search in alphabetical order (A-Z) or reverse alphabetical order (Z-A).
  • In a Start date column, you can search from oldest to newest or newest to oldest.


  • The column sort feature is available on most columns in the portals.
  • Once a column is sorted, the column will remain in that format until you re-sort it in a different way.

Search for Information Within a Column

You can search for information within a column using a column's drop-down filter options. It is recommended to use the "contains" filter which means the information you are searching on can appear anywhere in the name of the item you are searching.


  • The column search feature is available in most portals, workspaces, and screens.
  • You can use an asterisk (*) in your search which allows you to replace a string of text. This is often useful if you only know a portion of the information you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a check number that starts with "12", you could enter a search using 12*.
  • You must clear a search after you use it, otherwise the information you searched on will remain on screen. To clear a search, refresh your screen.
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